2023 Events
The CHAOS committee met tonight to sort out some stuff for the rest of the year. With leave bans, cancelled rest days etc we thought it would be good for people to plan in advance. The following day trips are in the diary but may be subject to change as necessary:
Sun 5th Feb – organised by Hugh
Wed 8th March – organised by Helen
Sun 23rd April – organised by Cathy
Thursday 29th June – organised by Rachel
Wed 26th July – organised by Chris
Sun 1st Oct – organised by Helen
Sun 12th November – organised by Chris
Thur 14th Dec – organised by Rachel
Overnight trip details are as follows;
Rattagan Youth Hostel (North West Scotland) – 23rd to 27th Feb. There are one or two spaces left on this. please contact asap if you would like a space on this trip. If you have booked a space and haven’t yet paid your balance of £60 please do so. Chris will be in touch soon with the finer details for this trip.
26th to 29th May – Don’s trip to the Lagangarbh hut in Glencoe. If you are interested in this trip please let us know asap so we can work out if this is feasible or not.
Mounthooley (Northumberland) – 2nd to 4th June – There are about 7 places left on this trip, if you are interested please let us know. Once we know how many are coming we can work out the final cost.
Mourne Mountains (14th to 17th or 15th to 18th Sep depending on ferries) – This will be a three night trip with two days travelling and two days in the mountains. Staying at the Hutt hostel in “Newcastle” Northern Ireland which is at the foot of the mountains. I haven’t worked out the cost of this yet but we will be able to take the Sports and Social minibus on the ferry so the only travel cost will be the ferry and the hostel is reasonably priced. I need numbers of those interested before I can work out a cost. If you would be interested in this trip please let me know and I will pull a plan together.
We will be looking at a wild camp over night adventure in August, date to be decided nearer the time, if this would be your first wild camp we can lend oyu some kit if needed so don’t let this put you off. I am also looking at a trip to Honister for those who may wish to try the Via Ferratta.
If anyone is interested in doing some introductory climbing sessions at the climbing centre in Newcastle then please let us know and if there is enough interest we will get something booked. Equally for those who are already members/experienced who could help out on these sessions that would be useful.
AGM – Monday the 6th of February 6pm. I am looking at booking a room at Middle Engine Lane then having a link for those who want to join virtually, with a pint or two in the pub nextdoor for those who want to afterwards. People are invited to express their interest in taking on committee roles either before the meeting or on the night. Please also bring along any ideas you have for future trips and we will discuss further those trips outlined above. I will organise some sandwiches and some soft drinks
The CHAOS committee
CHAOS (Climbing Hills And Other Sports) Club
For more info please check out the Northumbria Police Sports & Social Website CHAOS section https://www.npssc.co.uk/chaos
Or why not join our Facebook group where you will be kept up to date about all future events https://www.facebook.com/groups/363878434059857/